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Full name: Jonathan David Wyatt
Born where and when: Richlands, VA - 2.26.71
Family stats: Married, 1 son (Dakota)
Pets: Diva (minature Schnauser)
Currently in the CD player: Backstreet Boys, I Just Don't Get It
What was in your bag the last time you left Target: Water hose
First album you remember buying: Syncronicity (By: The Police)
First Christian album: Mylow Levevre & Broken Heart
Thing you can't do to save your life: Focus on one thing
Most incredible date: 12/29/95, The day my son was born
Best dish you can prepare: Spam Salad
Pet peeves: Pre-Madonna's
Hidden talent: Break Dancing
Food you refuse to eat: Peanut butter and mayo sandwiches
Worst fear: Drowning in a pool of self-denial
If you were an action hero, who would you be? Jackie Chan
First car: 66' Ford Mustang
Dream car: Land Rover
Number of speeding tickets (honestly): 5
Phrase you most often overuse: "Really"
Collections: Various and sundry thoughts
Worst trouble you got into as a child or teen: Fighting whoever was currently beating my brother up
Where you are right now: Courtyard Marriot, Spokane Washington
Write your own epitaph: Woke up in my clothes again this morning
Scar story: Right eye, corner of coffee table, 2 years old
Best advice you've ever been given: Keep it real
Vacation spot: VA Beach, VA
Books: My Utmost For His Highest (Oswald Chambers)
Scripture: Phil 1:9-11
Pizza: Gino's East, without a doubt
Song:"I Love Rap Music" - dc Talk
Food: Lobster
Breakfast cereal: Lucky Charms, specifically green clovers
Ice Cream flavor: Moose Tracks
Bible translation: The Message
Store: Anything on Melrose Ave, LA
Hangout: Anywhere with my wife
Board game: Twister
Hot drink: Mocha
Sports team: Nashville Titans
'70s/'80s TV show: Chips
Chewing gum: Big League
TV show: Seinfield
Language: French
Pastime: Watching my son figure out life
Movie: Tommy Boy
Childhood Toy: Lite-Brite