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Full name: Mark Lee Townsend
What you wish you were named: Toby McKeehan (just joking)
Born where and when: Columbus, OH Nov. 19
Family stats: Married, daughters - Danielle, Ashley, Victoria
First job: Dishwasher - JCPenneys
Pets: Dog - Abby
Currently in the CD player: Jeff Beck - "Blow by Blow"
Most Annoying Habit: Pacing back and forth
What was in your bag the last time you left Target: "Illuminator" football
Guilty pleasure: GAP sale rack
First album you remember buying: Elton John - Greatest Hits
First Christian album: Bash-n-the Code "self-titled"
Thing you can't do to save your life: cook
Most incredible date: Day I met my wife
If a movie was made of your life, who should play you? Mike Myers
Best dish you can prepare: I can't
Pet peeves: waiting on people
Hidden talent: none
Food you refuse to eat: liver
If music wasn't your career, what do you think you'd be doing? Auto mechanic
Most memorable concert experience: Seeing Jeff Beck live
Most embarrassing moment: Too many to tell
Best gift ever received: First guitar
Worst fear: blood
If you were an action hero, who would you be? Batman
If you could swap lives with someone for one day, who would it be? Mike Nesmith in 1968
First car: 1975 Cutlass Supreme
Dream car: 1967 GTO
What product would you definitely endorse if asked? Nerf Stuff
Number of speeding tickets (honestly): Currently 0
Phrase you most often overuse: "And you want to know what"
Collections: Monkees memoriblia
Worst trouble you got into as a child or teen: I never got in trouble now, did I?
Most memorable meeting: Ken Starr
Dream duet: John Lennon and Todd Rundgren
Where you are right now: Louisville, KY - on tour with DC
Last video seen: Forest Gump
Question no one has ever asked you before: Why don't you model Calvin Klein?
Answer: I don't wear Calvin Klein
Write your own epitaph: Here lies Marks remains - and why not?
Scar story: Scar on my knee from a bike wreck as a kid
Best advice you've ever been given: God has a plan for my life
Vacation spot: Jamaica
Books: Beatles - "Abby Road Sessions"
Scripture: Psalm 119-11
Pizza: any
Song: "Julia" Beatles
Food: Steak
City: Manhattan - NYC
Breakfast cereal: Fruity Pebbles
Ice Cream flavor: Cookie Dough
Seasoning: Garlic
Bible translation: Message
Store: GAP - sale rack
Hangout: any guitar store
Board game: monopoly
Hot drink: Green tea
Sports team: Cincinnati Reds
'70s/'80s TV show: Brady Bunch
Chewing gum: any
TV show: none right now
Fast food drive-thru order: Blimpie best combo
Pastime: Fixing things
Movie: "The Natural"
Childhood Toy: I don't remember
Article of clothing: my mood ring
Website: no fave at the moment