Hello everyone and welcome to tonight's EXCITE CHAT! I am your host, Shel_D,
otherwise known in the non-cyber world as Michelle.Joining
me in the studio tonight are my sassy and hip producer Mike and our zany
and fabulous typist, Leifer. If you'd like to ask our guest a question this
evening, it's very easy and we encourage you to do so. Simply click on the
"something to say" icon at the bottom right corner of your screen and ask
away! That's all there is to it. We have a very special guest for you this
evening, christian rockers DC Talk. Welcome to the show, guys! Let's jump
right in and get started!
host-KwestShun Question from JChristGuy_guest : hey guys, what is
your favorite song you have written so far?
dc___Talk Hey ya all
dc___Talk We can each answer that, my answer is the hard, my favorite
is "Consume Me" which is a passionate lyric about the creator.
dc___Talk Kevin: Mine is "Fearless"
host-KwestShun Question from LawrenceChang : Hey guys, I`m a young
musician and songwriter. My question: What is the process by which you write
a song? In what order do you write the lyrics, tune, accompaniment, chorus,
verse, etc?
dc___Talk "Look at Me Love Me"
host-Shel_d Just when inspiration strikes?
dc___Talk Michael: There is no particular order, sometimes the lyric
comes first sometimes it is the music. It is a barrage of both.
host-KwestShun Question from rage : In the last few years the DC
talk music has changed dramatically - what would be the most influential
aspect in your life to bring about these changes?
Kevin_Max i write the lyrics first
Kevin_Max the fact that i'm married and my wife thinks for me
host-Shel_d I like that.
dc___Talk Toby: We learned about fascinating things such as guitars.
Kevin_Max i am more open to my feminine side
dc___Talk Toby: And I wouldn't call it a dramatic change I would
call it a logical progression.
dc___Talk Toby: We will evolve until we dissolve.
host-KwestShun Question from dcTchris_e_guest : What is happening
with you 10 year anniversary? 10 years is a LONG time, and i think its awesome
that you have stuck together so long.
host-Shel_d 10 years IS a long time!
Kevin_Max i think toby should buy me a new astin martin
dc___Talk Michael: We are still pllugging along, and if it lasts
another 10 years, that would be awesome, we are going to take Kevin to the
Sunset Grill for our anniversary.
host-KwestShun Question from AlasMyLove_guest : Hi guys!! First of
all God Bless you and your awesome ministry! I have a question...did any
of you three take singing lessons? and how do you write these beautiful
Kevin_Max everyone should by stock in kmaxs solo record
dc___Talk Toby: We are going to break up and get back together and
do a 10 year reunion tour for our 10 year anniversay....we'll break up in
December and get back together in January for a 10 year reunion tour.
host-Shel_d Hey - it worked for the Eagles!
Kevin_Max singing lessons in college but flunked because of my prepesity
for rock and roll abridging
dc___Talk Michael: I never took singing lessons...Kevin and I took
voice for a semester with different teachers and we ended up realizing that
it wasn't going
host-KwestShun Question from Fearless_guest89 : Who is "So Long"
written for?
dc___Talk Michael: into....we weren't going to sound like Pavarotti.
host-Shel_d That rock and roll - it will get you in trouble every
Kevin_Max rock and roll lives baby
host-Shel_d I can hear there's a story here!
Kevin_Max it was written about the eventuality of each of us selling
Toby_McKeehan Toby: The fictional force. It's about a fictional force
--it's more about ouselves than anyone else.
dc___Talk Michael: people think that it is about jars of clay but
it's not.
host-KwestShun Question from SPONGE3_guest719 : dc Talk please help
me I want to get into the Christian music biz and I am going back to college
next Fall to study music is that the right road to take?
Kevin_Max we would never do that though
Toby_McKeehan Toby: The eventuality is going to take place eventually
that is.
Kevin_Max take the low road, bring your napsack
dc___Talk Michael: I got an answer for hard and don't
aim to be a rock star because it's empty...the place to sing is in the church
or on the stage follow god's way and not your's hars
way it's harsh but it's true, maybe god will take you to the local church.
Kevin_Max low raod meaning the road less traveled
host-KwestShun Anonymous Question : Why does Kevin refer to his wife
as "Winky Petals" in the Supernatural artwork?
Michael: Not the broad road which leads to ruin.
host-Shel_d Exactly.
host-KwestShun Question from catamasn_guest24 : i was just wondering
if you had a favorite bible verse or something that kept your hopes up when
things got a bit rocky in your lives
Kevin_Max because when she sits on the ground at home , her feet
look like flowers. petals
Kevin_Max gen-rev
Toby_McKeehan Toby: Isaiah 43:19
Toby_McKeehan Soemthing about God doing a new thing--wake up and
smell the cofee--that's my paraphrase.
I'm a bit rusty on my Bible verses.
dc___Talk Michael: She admitted she was rusty.
Kevin_Max phil 4 13
dc___Talk Michael: Mine is that all things work together for good....Bible
Roman 8:28.
host-KwestShun Question from beesh2 : did you expect that your style
of music would catapult you into such success, that you`d end up having
carte blanche in the music scene?
Kevin_Max carte blanche is a bit much , dove blanche maybe?
Toby_McKeehan Toby: No because I would say no because we make up
our styles as we go.
Toby_McKeehan We're schrizophrenic pop with a beat.
host-KwestShun Question from Donna_guest764 : Toby, Mike, & Kevin--Supernatural
is a fabulous cd!! They are all good...but Fearless is my favorite..any
particular inspiration for that tune?
Toby_McKeehan Per Toby: remove the with a beat thing--schrizophrenic
Kevin_Max our musical style is very confusing
host-Shel_d For those of you who are just joining us, we're chatting
with Christian rockers DC Talk!
Kevin_Max my wife, past relationships, God
Toby_McKeehan Toby: which is another song of ours for Robin.
host-Shel_d Feel free to submit your questions and comments by simply
clicking on the "something to say" icon at the bottom right corner of your
screen. And, enjoy!
host-KwestShun Question from stoked_guest7134 : What was your initial
reaction when you charted on Billboard edging out Marilyn Manson
dc___Talk Michael: I ...we were suprised it is great to know that
the first amendment actually works.
Kevin_Max we hoped we wouldnt have to wear that butt outfit he wore
on MTV
host-Shel_d Go first amendment!
Toby_McKeehan Toby: I would say that we were the meat--if we were
a sandwich Marilyn Manson and KISS would be the buns but surely we're the
Kevin_Max he is rather pasty
host-KwestShun Question from sugarayz_guest82 : Hi, I`ve been a fan
for a long time. What do you prefer, doing hip hop or your new modern style?
Kevin_Max a little saggy
dc___Talk Michael: We prefer trying to do good music.
Kevin_Max a melting pot of both
Toby_McKeehan Toby: Toby would say from the lover of hip hop--I love
the new DC Talk but dream of the old.
Toby: Look for the supernatural tour to have a dose of hip hop
host-Shel_d A little bit of hip hop is always a good thing!
host-KwestShun Question from SPUNK_guest8231 : DC TALK I WAS VISITING
Kevin_Max mike is coming out the box with his new album of hip hop
host-Shel_d I think that's bull _ _ _ _ ...!!!
Toby_McKeehan Toby: He does sin! (LOL)
Kevin_Max i have lots of long hair especially on my back
dc___Talk Michael: You know what....It is great to know that god
looks at a man's heart not at his appearance.
jesus was a hippie
Toby_McKeehan Toby: Diversity is a lovely thing!!
host-Shel_d Yeah, Jesus had long hair!
host-KwestShun Question from ferret_guest2730 : u guys are cool.
i`ve learned sign language to some of ur songs. do u know any sign language?
Kevin_Max the pharisees were bald
Kevin_Max 82827297987&&^%&^$%^%#^%#^%#
dc___Talk Michael: I know the complete alphabet in sign language
and that is it.
dc___Talk Michael: And it is enough to get by.
host-Shel_d Kevin's a pro at it!
Kevin_Max (*&(*&(*&^*%^%%$$#++++_((*(*(*&^#@#@#@!#@#@#@!#
Toby_McKeehan We learned some sign language last week when we cut
a guy off (LOL)
host-Shel_d Not the kind that goes well with the music, though!
Kevin_Max everywhere the sigs blocking up the scenery
host-KwestShun Question from L3SL13 : Toby: How`s the diaper changing
going? Any surprizes in fatherhood you didn`t expect? (I have a son 17 months
old - he`s always surprizing me)
Toby_McKeehan We tried to erase it from our memory banks but teacher
was very convincing (LOL)
host-Shel_d I'm sure he believed thoroughly what he was teaching!
Toby_McKeehan Tell them my son Truett is 12 weeks old and the most
surprising thing is when he smiles. I live for that moment.
Kevin_Max toby practices diaper wearing
host-KwestShun Question from dctalkfreak4life : What does the word
"Succeed" mean to you, and what have you done to to live up to what it means?
host-Shel_d Awww! That's so sweet!!!
Toby_McKeehan I was surprised that all baby do-do's are yellow and
runny. I didn't know that.
dc___Talk Michael: Obviously everybody has their own meaning of success
and my meaning is that I am doing what I am called to do....and I'm not
sure of that Kevin_Max i feel it means to change for the better, sometimes,
work in progress
dc___Talk Michael: But I am following in the pursuit of what I feel
in my heart, it is not so much where we finish but how we do it.
host-Shel_d You have to like yourself when you get to the end.
Toby_McKeehan It's sort of mirrors Michael
in feeling that you've done the best you can with what you've been given
in life.
Toby_McKeehan Knowing that you've loved people the best you could
and knowing that you've loved God the best you could.
Kevin_Max being a servant
host-Shel_d Absolutely!
host-KwestShun Question from Merkaba_ : How much of an impact on
teenagers do you think you guys really have?
Kevin_Max hopefully on all ages, tribes, sexes
dc___Talk Michael: We hope a big one but we probably won't know until
we get the glory, who knows we get a lot of e-mail and a lot of letters,
and when we get the chance we read the stuff, but we just don't
Kevin_Max i am a teen, in my mind
dc___Talk Michael: know how hip we are with the teens.
Toby_McKeehan I would say it depends on whether you mean a good influence
or bad influence (LOL)
host-Shel_d I'm thinkin' they mean good!
Toby_McKeehan I think we try to do the best
we can but sometimes we make mistakes and I'm sure lead people astray hopefully
not when it comes to major issues.
Toby_McKeehan We can't depend on ourselves to have influence on people
but we can depend on God
Kevin_Max i have a teeny mind
host-Shel_d You do NOT have a teeny mind!
Kevin_Max how do you know
host-KwestShun Question from SamuelMebasser : did you all attend
the same church at one time?
host-Shel_d Tonight, we're giving away signed cd's to six lucky DC
Talk fans!
dc___Talk Michael: At one time that we did, but now we all go to
different churches.
Kevin_Max yes bethel chapelin nash-vegas
host-Shel_d What's nash-vegas?
Kevin_Max it is the local defintion of this town, home of conway
Toby_McKeehan Nashville is like a southern vegas without the gambling.
host-Shel_d Congratulations to: T-King, Jesusfreak-guest, INZJESUS,
JoyGrill5, JMU-01, Mickey-guest8718!!!
roy rogers , dolly parton, jars of clay
host-Shel_d You win a copy of the latest cd
signed by DC Talk!
Kevin_Max yipppeeeeee
Toby_McKeehan How many braids in Michael's hair--call God on that?
host-Shel_d I'll ask him next time I talk to Him!
dc___Talk Michael: What city did DC Talk do their first ever concert
in? Now that is a good trivia question.
between you and me
host-Shel_d Now, for the grand prize of the evening. . . we're giving
away a set of passes to DC Talk's tour!!!
Michael just asked the question: What city did DC Talk do their first ever
concert in, once they got a record deal?
Kevin_Max backstage?
host-Shel_d I believe so!!!
Kevin_Max i will give them the towel that i dry my underarm on
host-Shel_d What a present to cherish! (No)
host-KwestShun Question from nothead : Are
you going to play at Creation99? Did you enjoy Creation98?
Trust me they don't want it. (LOL)
dc___Talk Michael: I'm sure we will...and yes we did.
Kevin_Max im gonna rock a not into your head dude!!!!!
Toby_McKeehan Please don't legally bind us to this--we've made statements
like we'll say you next year and the promoter has held us to it.
Toby_McKeehan Creation is one of our favorite places to play!!
Kevin_Max nothead rocks!!!!!!
host-Shel_d The promoters can't help it - you guys are so popular
the promoters want you to play!
Toby_McKeehan My da'd got about five books about hte internet and
he called me and said can you show me how to get my email.
host-KwestShun Question from cynch1 : Have you had any chances to
witness to some celebs? If so, who?
Toby_McKeehan Last time we did one of these we got on twenty minutes
late and we didn't go twenty minutes late and everyone complained.
Kevin_Max yes but i cant name names
host-Shel_d What's the fun in that?
Toby_McKeehan We got to talk to Seal for a long time.
host-Shel_d Wow! (Wow)
dc___Talk Michael: I talked to Natile Cole.
Kevin_Max gary chapman, seal, tex cobb, sting , natalie cole, kennth
starr, peterfurler, monica
Toby_McKeehan Dan Haseltine.
dc___Talk Michael: Hanson...I talked to them.
host-Shel_d The little blond tennyboppers?!?
host-Shel_d Wow!
Kevin_Max rick astley, roddie piper
dc___Talk Michael: They are DC Talk fans actually, they asked us
to come back to their van and pray with them actually.
host-Shel_d Of all the celebs you guys have met, who's been the coolest?
What's been the greatest experience?
Kevin_Max oral roberts
Toby_McKeehan We have met a lot of people but we haven't gotten beyond
surface conversation with very many. It would be nice to share some real
time where we could share some real dreams.
host-Shel_d Keep sending in answers to the trivia question - we don't
have a winner yet!
host-Shel_d Please include your email address, so we can get the
tickets to you!
Toby_McKeehan Hopefully our music is speaking louder than our words.
Toby_McKeehan I actually hope that our lives speak louder than...
host-Shel_d If you'd like to change your seat
row during the chat, just click on the "seat map" icon at the top right
corner of your screen and simply pick a new seat!
Kevin_Max id like to chat with bono
Kevin_Max where's bono!!!!
host-KwestShun Question from shepherd_guest26 : Do you 3 ever get
just totally sick of eachother and want to give up the band?
dc___Talk Michael: An easy question...of course we do.
Kevin_Max wow, no comment
Toby_McKeehan Oftimes.
host-Shel_d Just a reminder: the trivia question is What is the first
city DC Talk played a concert in after they got a record deal?
Toby_McKeehan we really love each other.
host-Shel_d Do I sense a little sarcasm there? (Wink)
dc___Talk Michael: We stay together because the pay is really good...just
host-KwestShun Question from Gwyneth1 : Did you enjoy your tour with
Michael W Smith and did that prepare you for your own tour?
Kevin_Max but we really love each other, no sarcasm, .
dc___Talk Michael: yea it was a good breeding ground for the future.
Kevin_Max his dance moves inspird me to take tai-bo
host-Shel_d I'll give you a hint: The TV show "Cupid" is taped in
this city!
Toby_McKeehan we prefer the intimacy of a small
theater but you know...
Kevin_Max smitty get witty
host-KwestShun Question from L3SL13 : K-Max: I recently found a copy
of "At the Foot of Heaven" and LOVE IT!! When will "I am Alien" be out?
Kevin_Max its not called i am alien, its called blind thieves and
dumb prophets, it will be out next tour, thanx alot
We have a winner!!!
Toby_McKeehan I look forward to -- for all
the poets out there I will soon deliver the goods.
host-Shel_d 1GroovyGuy Congratulations!!! You win a set of passes
to see DCTalk in the city of your choice!
It will come out as soon as Elena demands it of him (Kevin)
host-KwestShun Question from Stew_guest975 : When you started in
the indusrty did the Lord make it obvious that He wanted you there? Do you
feel that God has used you all to make a change the insides of the industry?
Kevin_Max it will be on the tour for less than
20$, accompanied by a t-shirt line boxer shorts etc
dc___Talk Michael: Maybe not inside the industry, he means did they
make a change...when we got into it we got into it not because we were called
but got into
Kevin_Max well being a artist im part of the industry regardless,
but yes that is the reality of our surroundings but not everything
dc___Talk It because we were Christian Kids who wanted to get involved
and we got into it for 8 - 9 years and made a mark with god's help.
Kevin_Max an every day walk with people outsied of music is my goal
host-KwestShun Question from gypsee7 : remember the show a few weeks
ago @ 3rd & lindsley in Nashvegas? d`you like playing small places like
that or big arenas better?
Toby_McKeehan We definitely would like to be part of a change in
theindustry meaning the Christian music industry. We'd like to see it spread
its wings and share the music with the whole world.
dc___Talk Michael: Aymen to that one...good answer.
host-Shel_d Tobey's baby is talking!!!
Michael: Both...small is more intimate...big we can get more into it....we
probably all lean to a large size theater.
Kevin_Max yes small places are alot of fun, you dont have room for
alot of mistakes
Toby_McKeehan Somewhere Tyman in Nashville and the Fox in Atlanta.
I thought it was intereseting at 3rd and Lindsley becuase we kind of missed
that part of our career.
host-Shel_d The best of both worlds!
Toby_McKeehan We went from just starting out to playing in arenas.
Our first tour we were in arenas so we didn't come up playing in small clubs.
I really enjoyed that.
host-KwestShun Question from Mjssings44_guest : Hello! What musicians
have influenced you most?
Kevin_Max the ryman in nashville is the perfect venue i agree
Toby_McKeehan Run DMC.
Toby_McKeehan Beck.
dc___Talk Michael: The list goes on and on from U2 to Seal, REM,
RUN DMC, Duran Duran and ELO, Beck, Beethovan
Toby_McKeehan Beethoven.
Kevin_Max elvis, bono, fyellowdie mercury,morrissey,beethoven
dc___Talk Michael: Cindy Morgan
dc___Talk Michael: Just kidding'
host-Shel_d Ooohhh!
Kevin_Max beatles,degarmo and key,
Toby_McKeehan The Margin's.
Toby_McKeehan That was Margin's.
Toby_McKeehan Martin's.
Kevin_Max the police, c.s.lewis, j.r.r.tolkien
Toby_McKeehan Some are from a musical standpoint,
others are from a lyrical standpoint.
Toby_McKeehan Van Morrison.
Kevin_Max the lion the witch and th wardrobe
dc___Talk Michael: I want to say that I hope everyone is enjoying
their new copy of "Supernatural" and be sure to look out in their area for
the Supernatural Experience.
Toby_McKeehan Make sure you buy one for a friend for Christmas. It
makes a great stocking stuffer.
host-Shel_d Check out for all the latest info on the
band, as well as for upcoming tour dates!!!
dc___Talk Michael: I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays...I'm
Toby_McKeehan I'd like to say thanks for signing on. All you people
that hang out in DC Talk chatrooms, I'm out there snooping around. You might
not see me but I know what's up.
Kevin_Max big up's to the next tour, and the
fans that will hopefully be there, we miss you and hope to see you soon
Toby_McKeehan Thanks for encouragement. Thanks for support and sorry
this had to be so short. I'm looking forward to seeing all comments tomorrow
on our website.
Toby_McKeehan We look forward to doing the Supernatural tour with
the W's and Jennifer Knapp--coming to a city near you
Kevin_Max remember to live a big life by being small
Toby_McKeehan God bless and thank you so much for sticking with us.
host-Shel_d Kevin, Michael, and Tobey, it was SO great having you
on the show tonight. Thank you for joining us!
Michael: Thank you all.
Kevin_Max i'll miss your cute mug
host-Shel_d And, thanks to all of you chatters out there!
dc___Talk Michael: Thanks for typing for me
host-Shel_d Please join us next Monday night, November 30th, at 7:00pm
PST/10:00pm EST when our guest will be Baywatch babe Kelly Packard! Thanks
for joining us everyone. Have a great week - TdlooTdloo!
Kevin_Max micheal, peace