The following is a log of the chat with Michael Tait of dc Talk. It has been edited for easier reading. Michael participated by telephone, with one of our staff members SFLRDANMY, relaying questions to him, and typing his answers. SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): I am your host SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Kevin is in the chat room called south florida chat SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): I have Michael on the telephone SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): any questions for Michael? I am the host, I have him on the phone CHIEFIEQ: ASK mike what his fav. music group is JFSeelow: Ask him if he's been snowboarding lately! Kione172: Ask him when the next album is due out. LilPlum3: PLEASE ask them if they will ever perform near Texarkana TX- then e-mail me, please! Newsboys1: SFLR: Ask him if Kevin is Mrs. Morgan SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Michael's favorite music group is Pearl Jam HEIRIA 51: News, haven't you seen the video?? CHIEFIEQ: DOES MIKE PLAY AN INSTRUMENT LilPlum3: would anybody? RitComm: I have a question, when will they be in Philadelphia? DMShores: mrs.morgan is herself, i saw a picture of her SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Mrs. Morgan is a real woman, an elderly woman who lives next to our studio Spotpuffer: Ask him why he sang that lame Jesus Freak reprise RitComm: Another question, how did Mike come to Christ? HEIRIA 51: Mrs. Morgan is really their next door neighbor. Kione172: He didn't sing it Newsboys1: SFRDAN: What kind of cars do they drive? Sir cabby: Todd Collins sang the reprise SGancarz: SFLR, I have a question. Are they ever coming to Atlanta again? TC and RR: WHEN IS THE MOVIE DUE OUT? DCTalkn: Ask him if he remembers meeting 2 girls for autographs & pics at youthfest at CBN in a tent RitComm: NewsBoy1, why are you asking about earthly things? DCTalkn: in VA SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): RitComm, Mike came to Christ through an evangelist named Jerry Johnston who held a revival at his high school. SGancarz: MOVIE, WHAT MOVIE???!!!!! DCTalkn: PLEASE!!!! CHIEFIEQ: DOES MIKE PLAY AN INSTRUMENT RitComm: Thanks for asking SFL! Kione172: ***Question: When is their next album due out? HEIRIA 51: Everyone, look at SFLR's profile. Sir cabby: he plays the guitar Hybywp: I know! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Cheif, Mike plays guitar J M102051: guitar is COOL Maggie AC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~What does every member of the band do in their free time? DMShores: what is mikes middle name RitComm: When is there next album due out? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Maggie, in his free time, Mike snowboards, and writes music Maggie AC: SFLR: ASK HIM ABOUT TOBY BigDCTfan: Ask if he remembers 2 girls w/ a blinding flash at at a Youthfest concert at the CBN tent SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): next album due out in early '98, working on it right now Mjnickel94: QUESTION: Where does Mike snowboard? SGancarz: QUESTION: Is dcTalk every coming to Atlanta again? Spotpuffer: SFLR: what is his favorite thing about performing at concerts? DMShores: SFL, does Mike remember someone at the gas station in Tyler, TX after the concert in 95 i th Afriend870: ><> LilPlum3: please ask them if they would perform in TEXARKANA TX Maggie AC: IS dcTALK COMING BACK TO ATLANTA SOON?????????????????????????????/ Newsboys1: SFLR: What cars do they drive? NELSONJON7: Where is Kevin? SGancarz: QUESTION:When is "Between YOu and Me" going to be on MTV and VH1? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Lil, Mike says they love to play in texas JGarten183: when is the next album out? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): they ususally play Dallas and Houston, a lot Mjnickel94: QUESTION: Next song to be released to secular radio stations? LilPlum3: yeah.... that's all i want to know...... since i've never seen them, i'd like to Newsboys1: SFLRDAN: WHAT KIND OF CARS DO THEY DRIVE? LilPlum3: have a concert nearby TC and RR: yeah what cars! Maggie AC: what cars do they drive? LilPlum3: oh, and tell them i love them! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Mj, the next song is Colored People to be released to secular radio Nebman123: i heard what if i stumble on a secular station TundraVipr: QUESTION:SUNFLWRBIK: he just asked me if i was a christian! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): TC, Mike drives and Toby drive a Forerunner, Kevin drives a Land Rover Discovery SAEversole: QUESTION:who sings the Jesus Freak reprise? Kione172: early '98 Kione172: Todd Collins WLovrin: doesn't michael DCTalkn: ? DOES HE REMEMBER MEETING 2 GIRLS IN VA AT YOUTHFEST AT CBN THAT GOT AUTOGRAPHS SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): SAE, Todd, a best friend, sings the reprise 2E He works for Gotee records DCTalkn: THIS SUMMER Mjnickel94: SFLR: Ask them not to forget us who have prayed for their success since 1989/90! Maggie AC: '98! iTS BEEN ANSWERED! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Mj, thanks for the prayers, and please continue! Kione172: Todd Collins sang the reprise Newsboys1: SLRF: Does he remember reading a report on them handed to them at Creation? Kione172: trust me Litone13: Todd Collins did SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Mike says he doesn't lie, its not him singing the reprise, although many think so HEIRIA 51: I'm a Jesus Freak. Kione172: Todd Collins sang it Afriend870: Does anyone know what they say in between So help me god, and colored people? Nerdboy201: amen JESUSFRK20: Greetings from West Virginia where Jesus Freaks are found everywhere you go. SFLRDANMY: CHIEF, do you have a question? NELSONJON7: SFLRDANMY: Is Kevin or Michael online? CHIEFIEQ: does mike have any siblings?? Mjnickel94: SFLR: Any martial arts training to help the kicks on stage? (My husband and I train) JFSeelow: Mike is answering questions through SFLDANMY!!! Newsboys1: SFLR: PLEASE ask him if he ever read a report handed to Kevin at Creation on them!!!!!!! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): CHIEF, Mike has 4 sisters, 3 brothers WLovrin: SFL, when are they going to come to New England Area? Try ZJam: QUESTION---Have you heard of ZJam let? SGancarz: SFLR:When is "Between you and me"coming on MTV and VH1 Litone13: how old are Mike's bros???? Kione172: ***Question: Next video to be made from Jesus Freak? JESUSFRK20: Between you and me has already been on MTV JFSeelow: GROW UP YOU GUYS!!! THIS IS REAL!!!! Litone13: HOW OLD R MIKE'S BROS!!!!!!???????????? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Lit, 52, 31 and 39 year old brothers SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): any other questions for Michael? Litone13: HOW OLD R HIS SIS???? Newsboys1: SLFR: PLEASE ask Mike if he ever read a report handed to him at Creation!!!!! WLovrin: < --------- Christian here SUNFLWRBIK: afriend you need to chill now Mjnickel94: SFLR: QUESTION: Any martial arts training to learn stage jumping kicks??? NELSONJON7: SFLRDANMY:is michael engaged yet? Kione172: ***Question: What is the next video to be made from Jesus Freak album? TundraVipr: 86 JESUSFRK20: Ask him, if they are coming to Pittsburgh or Columbus, Ohio soon??? JM102051: + BigDCTfan: 86 SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Kevin is in the other chat room. Michael is here on the phone with me to answer Rigger129: R THEY COMING TO TORONTO Litone13: HOW OLD R MIKE'S SISTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????? TundraVipr: +86+ Spotpuffer: SLFR: What is Micheals favorite song to perform? RitComm: Are they coming to Philadelphia PA soon?/ CHIEFIEQ: how many bros does kevin have? Afriend870: 86 ><> TundraVipr: 86 Newsboys1: SFLR: PLEASE ask Mike if he read my report at CREATION!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! DC TALK409: Hi~! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): no time soon for Toronto (one of our favorite places) JM102051: How do you make the cross?***** JFSeelow: TOBY IS IN THE STUDIO>>>HE SAYS HI TO EVERYONE!!! :) SwtPeace: Hey AFRIEND- CHILL!!!!!! JESUSFRK20: ALT 0134 TundraVipr: 86 WLovrin: Hi DcTALK 409 Afriend870: 86 RitComm: 86 JFSeelow: HE JUST CALLED THEIR TOUR MANAGER SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Pittsburgh will be a stop in the next tour DRumler: DOES DCTALK NEED A RUTHM GUITARIST??HEHEHE :+) SGancarz: 86 Mjnickel94: SFLR: Any tours back up north,after the thaw, say... WISCONSIN??? NELSONJON7: SLFR: IS MICHAEL ENGAGED YET? JESUSFRK20: SFLR: When will that be????? NatureNutz: Hey BUDDY(SFLD) can you get them to E-MAIL us??????????????? RitComm: How about PHILADELPHIA??????? SGancarz: 86 JESUSFRK20: I need to know. DRumler: rythm...not rhum Newsboys1: SLFR: ARe you in\gonoring my question? SGancarz: cool SwtPeace: Call me! Litone13: DO THEY NEED A BACK UP SINGER (GIRL) OR A KEYBOARDER?? SGancarz: 86 Litone13: J/J SUNFLWRBIK: See yah Andrea!!!! CALL ME K? JGarten183: sun DRumler: DCTALK???KEYBOARD?????heheheheh SUNFLWRBIK: what swt? Hybywp: you call, please! Spotpuffer: SLFRDANMY: what is micheals favorite song to perform? TundraVipr: +86+ <>< JGarten183: may god reach you JESUSFRK20: When will the next tour begin????????????? DocHollow: Hey Michael, remeber the 1st guy in line at the signing the day after nite of joy? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): DRum, they are doing auditions now for drummer, no need yet for a singer Newsboys1: SLFR: PLEASE ask Mike if he read my report at Creaion!!!!! JM102051: how do you make the cross?+++++ DocHollow: handed you a letter DRumler: awwww guitarist?????heheheh oh well.... DcTalk 97: 86 BigDCTfan: alt 0134 CHIEFIEQ: HOW MANY BROS DOES KEVIN HAVE? DCTalkn: alt + 0134 86 JESUSFRK20: WHEN DOES THE NEXT TOUR BEGIN????? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Michael is here, on the phone to answer your questions Try ZJam: alt 0 1 3 4 on the keyboard pad Litone13: HE HAS 3 BROS RFlores615: hey Micheal SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): questions? Litone13: HI MICHAEL Kione172: He has 1 brother Nerdboy201: 86 DocHollow: K-Max!!!!!! RitComm: SFL, when will they be in Philadelphia JJones5904: When are you coming back to Portland? Newsboys1: SLFR: PLEASE ASK HIM IF HE READ MY REPORT! SGancarz: how many siblings does Michael have? Spotpuffer: What is Michaels favorite song to perform? DRumler: whats Mikes favorite Bible Verse????????? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Rit, Philly is not until the next tour Nerdboy201: 868686 DC TALK409: Ask mike when are they coming to ST.LOUIS Nerdboy201: +86+ Litone13: QUESTION: WHERE DOES HE GET HIS AWSOME CLOTHES??!!!! Mjnickel94: SFLR: Ask if he remembers opening for Whiteheart in Green Bay, WI about 10 years ago? RitComm: When is the next tour??? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): DR, favorite verse is Proverbs 11:30 Timber105: SFLR: Is the movie they made ever going to be released on video here in California? TundraVipr: ASK HIM TO E-MAIL ME LLNash7777: My Husband would like to know when your next album is coming out? He is a big fan JESUSFRK20: When is the next tour??? LJT54: When are they going to go to NY or VT? DRumler: cool.....PSALMS 33:3 KJV!!!RAD!!!!!!!!!!! WLovrin: COOL Nerdboy201: question, when is the next album due out? Litone13: WHEN'S THE NEW ALBUM COMING OUT?? JJones5904: We love you in Portland!! RFlores615: A little ovrewhelming here!! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Timber, when the movie is released on video, it will be available everywhere Sir cabby: Ask Mike what he thinks about Marilyn Manson.... because he's coming here (OK) and we are Timber105: SFLR: any idea when that will be? Newsboys1: SFLR: PLEASE ask him if he read a report given to him at CREATION!!!!! Litone13: IS IT TRUE THAT THEY TURNED SECULAR AND AREN'T SINGING CHRISTIAN ANYMORE??? Try ZJam: PLAY SKILLFULLY WITH A LOUD NOISE UNTO THE LORD!!!! Try ZJam: ps 33:3 DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: ASK MIKE WHEN THE MOVIE IS COMIN OUT? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): JJ, Portland was where the Jesus Freak Live video was shot, coming out in spring SGancarz: IS dCTALK EVER COMING TO ATLANTA AGAIN?????? Nerdboy201: yes SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Portland can be proud. SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): SG, Atlanta will be a stop in the tour SGancarz: when is the next tour? Kione172: No, dcTalk signed with Virgin, but are still singing Christian DRumler: are they ever coming to Stockton California again???? GE578: WE LOVE YOU IN GRAND JUNCTION; COLORADO JJones5904: I was in the front row and at the autograph signing session, I already knew about the video JFSeelow: TOBY SAYS HI EVERYONE!!!! Newsboys1: SFLR: What is Mike's Favorite song that he has sung! CHIEFIEQ: SFLR QUESTION:IS DCTALK COMING TO MAINE???? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Mike loves to snowboard in Colorado DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: ASK HIM PLEASE WHEN THEY ARE COMIN TO COLUMBUS JESUSFRK20: When does the next tour begin????? DRumler: YOU GUYS ARE LIKE TOTALLY BOMBARDING WITH QUESTIONS CHILL FOR A BIT Timber105: SFLR: any idea when the movie will be released to video? Mjnickel94: JFSeelow - what words do you have from toby? DocHollow: Hi Mike! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): for the tour, there will a few spots now that we're recoding for Virgin Records GE578: POWDERHORN SKI RESORT IS AWESOME--COME ON OUT!!!!!!! TC and RR: Is virgin records going to kill them? DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: ASK MICHAEL IF HE LIKES TO RIDE BIKES ALOT, LIKE TO URS? DocHollow: tell Michael that i'll see him Friday. Newsboys1: SFLR: ASK MIKE IF HE READ A REPORT GIVEN TO HIM AT CREATION! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): 97, Michael mountain bikes a lot JM102051: ok LJT54: QUESTION: ARE THEY COMING TO NY OR VT ANYTIME SOON? Kione172: ***What is the next short form video due out from Jesus Freak album? JM102051: who knows? JJones5904: SFLRDANMY: ASK MIKE IF THE FILM IS COMING OUT SOON? DcTalk 97: COOL CHIEFIEQ: QUESTION IS KEVIN REALLY 29?? WLovrin: ARE THEY COMING TO VERMONT? GE578: NEWSBOYS ARE HAVING A "JAM" THIS SUMMER IN GRAND JCT, CO--TRY TO JOIN THEM Nerdboy201: when is the next album due out Kione172: early '98 RFlores615: Question:When will they be in Dallas/Fort worth again? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Kione, Colored People video will be out in early March on MTV and VH1 TundraVipr: WHAT IS HIS FAVORITE SONG THAT HE HAS WRITTEN DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: TELL HIM THANK YOU FOR BEIN IN COLUMBUS LAST YEAR, HE DcTalk 97: GOT TO MEET HIM DRumler: IT BLEW MY SHORTS OFF TO SEE JUST BETWEEN YOU AND ME ON MTV!!!!!!RAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Tundra, favorite song that he's written is between Jesus Freak, Mind's Eye SFLRDANMY: or What if I stumble SGancarz: How old is Michael DCTalkn: 30 Mjnickel94: 24 SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): SG, Michael is 30 Newsboys1: SFLR: What was his dream to become growing up? Unamuno22: HI everyone!!! Mjnickel94: 30? No way!!! Unamuno22: very happy to be here!! and about time :-) DocHollow: a? sflr please ask Michael if they're singing "help" friday. SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): when growing up, Michael wanted to be a rock star, but never took it seriously LLFriend: I heard that DC Talk may be breaking up is that true? Kamakaze15: Huh? GE578: My friend "I" loves you, too! She is talking to me on the phone. SGancarz: MICHAEL IS 30!!!!!!!! DRumler: DOES HE LIKE CLASSIC ROCK????????? RFlores615: QUESTION: WHEN WILL THEY BE IN DALLAS/FT WORTH??? Newsboys1: SFLR: Does he like the Beatles? Whizskier: Does dc talk know when their Free At Last movie is coming out? GE578: They aren't BREAKING UP. Kione172: ???Is "Jesus Freak" the only short form video out from the album? DCTalkn: IS HELP GONNA BE ON THIER NEXT ALBUM LIMASI: FREE AT LAST MIGHT NOT COME OUT. DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: PLEASE TELL MICHAEL THAT he made me happy when i got to meat him in columbus SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Kione, there is also a video called Between you and me Unamuno22: Anyone here from TN LJT54: QUESTION: WHEN ARE THEY COMING OUT WITH THEIR NEXT ALBUM?????? TC and RR: I trust SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): 97, thank you, you're very, very kind HEIRIA 51: SFL, what is the tatoo on Kevin's arm? Mjnickel94: SFLR: What are fav things to do in spare time ( what spare time?) :) Kamakaze15: Hey Mickael Taite, I go to Cornerstone Church in Roanoke, VA, where Micah Wilshire's parent Newsboys1: SFLR: DID he read my report I handed Kevin at Creation? Kamakaze15: are pastors TSiren: Hey Nebman123! Wlecome@ DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: when is the new album comin out? Nerdboy201: the new album is due out early '98 SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Heir, Kevin has no tatoos Kione172: Kevin is engaged Litone13: OK GUYS HE'S REALLY TALKING TO MIKE Litone13: DENNY JUST TOLD ME SO Newsboys1: SFLR: Did he read my report I handed Kevin? CHIEFIEQ: OK HOW MANY BROS DOES K-MAX HAVE?? DCTalkn: Neb is a 16 or 17 yr old guy named Ben Whizskier: When is the Free at Last movie coming out? Nebman123: YES I AM GE578: Heard you like to snowboard in Colorado, when will you be out here? TSiren: I lived in Memphis about a year ago SGancarz: Unamuno,I'm from GA DocHollow: sfl: is DC talk opening up with "Help!" on Friday? Litone13: SFLR IS REALLY TALKING TO MIKE GUYS!!!! Unamuno22: I'm in Chattanooga DRumler: HEY NEB I DIDNT KNOW DCTALK HAD BEN IN THEIR GROUP Litone13: THEIR TOUR MANAGER DENNY JUST TOLD ME HE IS SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Whiz, the Free at last movie won't be out for awhile, since it never made it to the theatres, the record label had problems with the movie co. JESUSFRK20: IS IT TRUE THAT THE NEXT TOUR IS WITH AUDIO ADRENALINE?????????????????????????????????????? DocHollow: yep! Newsboys1: SLFR: Did Mike read the report I gave K-Max at Creation? Mjnickel94: SFLR: When will "I'd wish we'd all been ready" be on a CD? Try ZJam: MIke Tait from DC Talk is talking Try ZJam: through SFLRDANMY. He is swamped with Try ZJam: be PATIENT!!! Newsboys1: MJ: IT already was on CD SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): it will be out in video sometime soon Timber105: SFLR: Question: Who is the guy on Jesus Freak who says, "The greatest single cause of..." Kione172: ???Question (courtesy of LiLPLUM3): Is dcT coming to Texarkana, Texas any time soon? Skigrrrl23: Ummm.....Hi LIMASI: I Wish We'd All Been Ready is out on CD Newsboys1: SLFR: Whay own't you ask Mike about my repost Mjnickel94: ON one of their cd's, not compilation Newsboys1: SFLR: I mean my report Try ZJam: Welcome LUC MIke Tait from DC Talk is talking through Try ZJam: SFLRDANMY. He is swamped with be Try ZJam: PATIENT!!! LIMASI: It is on CD Litone13: GUYS HE IS REALLY!!!! DENNY TOLD ME JUST NOW!!!!!! TSiren: There is a four song JESUS FREAK cd that was pre-released before the album came out last Nov TSiren: withI wish we'd all been ready on it. SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): questions? RagerMike: WE SHOULD BE TALKING ABOUT GOD AND HOW GLORYFULL HE IS LUC823: hEY! iS ANYONE STILL CHATTING? LLFriend: why isn't DC Talk going to Jesus Northwest this summer? Newsboys1: SLFR: DID HE READ MY REPORT AT CREATION 1996? DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: WHEN IS THE NEW ALBUM DUE OUT? Mjnickel94: Thank you TSiren :) BASKIE: u r right RAGER DocHollow: SFLR: what is they're opening song going to be on Friday's performance? DRumler: IS DCTALK GONNA DO ANYMORE CD-ROMS OR ONE LIKE JARS OF CLAY DID??????????????? RFlores615: SFLR: WHEN WILL DC TALK BE IN DALLAS/FT WORTH AGAIN? Litone13: WHY ISN'T DC TALK PLAYING ANY CHRISTIAN FESTAVIALS THIS YEAR???? Kione172: early '98 Nerdboy201: early '98, dct97 Nebman123: MIKE TSiren: It is also an interactive cd that you can play on your computer SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): LL, dc Talk is working on a new album this summer, so won't do festivals Timber105: ? Who says on the JF album: The greatest single cause of athiesm in this world today is... Try ZJam: Welcome KamikazeT MIke Tait from DC Talk is talking Try ZJam: through SFLRDANMY. He is swamped with Try ZJam: be PATIENT!!! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): but they are performing at the South Florid a Fair Whizskier: When is DC talk's next tour? Nerdboy201: <j/k> no, luc823 Mjnickel94: TSiren what's it called, where can i get it Unamuno22: Question: Will DC Talk be coming to Chattanooga TN anytime soon? GE578: I went on a young continentals tour and really like to dance--can I dance for your tours? DCTalkn: mr.Brennan does Timber Newsboys1: SLFR: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask him about my report! It's means so much to me Antgls: SFL: when will dc Talk be on? TSiren: Timber105 - a paster they go on retreats with before touring said ..the greatest single cau SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Hot news: Mike is doing a summertime band with a band called Curious George SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): these are some of his friends he's getting together with Timber105: DC: thanks. Try ZJam: Welcome JMOBEOX MIke Tait from DC Talk is talking Try ZJam: through SFLRDANMY. He is swamped with Try ZJam: be PATIENT!!! LLFriend: are they coming to portland oregon anytime soon? DRumler: DO THEY NEED A GUITARIST?????HEHEHHEHE Newlife77: if the manager is there than why arent they here TSiren: When is Kevin doing a solo album? Sarahb76: SFLR: WHY ARE YOU NOT ANSWERING NEWSBOY1'S QUESTION???????? DcTalk 97: COOL User43123: I am Try ZJam: Welcome GVKK MIke Tait from DC Talk is talking Try ZJam: through SFLRDANMY. He is swamped with Try ZJam: be PATIENT!!! CHIEFIEQ: YES TundraVipr: SFLR - enjoyed the Billy Graham concert in Charlotte, when will they be back? RagerMike: Q: Is DCTALK coming to SAN DIEGO or LANCASTER CA?? JMOBEOX6: who sings which songs on Jesus Freak SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): TS, Kevin may do one, as each of us will after the next dcTalk record RitComm: When are they coming out with a new album? Kione172: early '98 GE578: Who wants to visit Colorado!!! Newsboys1: SLFR: PLEASE ask him about my report! It's means so much to me! Kamakaze15: I was at your unplugged concert in Va Beach in September TSiren: I am looking forward to all of them!!! Try ZJam: MWS did... DRumler: HEY MIKE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND KEEP ON SINGING FOR GOD MAN!!!!!!!!!! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): I am staff of Digital City South Florida answering with Michael on the phone RagerMike: Q: Is DCTALK coming to SAN DIEGO or LANCASTER CA?? CHIEFIEQ: DCT ISN'T GOING TO DC/LA?? EYEMAN FL: Are you guys Playing in Atlanta Fest this year? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): DR, ok, thanks DocHollow: SFLR: are kevin's shades a gift from John Lennon really? DCTalkn: please answer my ? as soon as possible...."call on me " when ready RFlores615: SFLR, WHAT ABOUT NEWSBOYS1 QUESTION????? TSiren: Louie's Solo -- the most awesome song I have ever heard -- took my breath away! JMOBEOX6: Michael who sings which songs on Jesus Freak Trace1627: Newsboys did you like CREATION? i lived it Unamuno22: EYEMAN!!!!YOU'RE HERE!!! PORTER1530: Where are you from? DCTalkn: amen TSiren LIMASI: EVERYBODY SLOW DOWN!!!!!! Sarahb76: sflr: please answer newsboy!'s question< for heaven'a sake!!!!!!!!! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Rager, San Diego, is my choice place to live if I could take off and go SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Del Mar, to be exact Nerdboy201: 86<>< Newsboys1: TRACE: Best 3 and a half days of my life! Litone13: GUYS GIVE HIM ROOM TO BREATHE HEIRIA 51: SFLR, would you ask Kevin to marry me? DRumler: I WANNA LIVE IN SAN DIEGO TOO!!..HEY MIKE DO YOU REMEMBER COMING TO STOCKTON CALIFORNIA???????\ GE578: Michael--do you need a dancer for tour?--I toured with the young continentals and love dance SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): PORTER, I was born in Washington, DC DCTalkn: no we dont BEN TSiren: I'd be happy if Kevin would just write a poem for me!@ JMOBEOX6: Kevin are you coming out with a new album any time soon Newsboys1: SLFR: PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION ABOUT MY REPORT!!!!!!! GVKK: Are you going to be at Creation this year? RFlores615: SFLR, ARE MIKE OR KEVIN ENGAGED??? Kione172: new dcTalk album is due in early '98 SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): GE, no more dancers, I might do some ballroom dancing on the side, when I'm older TSiren: Kevin is engaged! RagerMike: ****((((DCTALK HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!!I"M A BETTER PERSON NOW!!!!PLEASE TELL MIKE THAT!!!!! JRicks8441: PORTER: where do you live?? HEIRIA 51: SLFR, why did Kevin talk about his tatoo when making The Hard Way, if he doesn't have one? Kione172: Kevin is engaged SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): RF, Kevin is engaged PORTER1530: Tell Michael I think he is the biggest sweetheart and he's really cute too! Amogden: Hi DC Talk Litone13: I AGREE TOTALY PORTER Newsboys1: SLFR: PLEASE ASK HIM!!!!!!!! Kione172: Nope PORTER1530: I from Michigan Litone13: I LOVE HIS HAIR SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): PORTER, thanks, :) DCTalkn: "CALL ON ME " WHEN READY FOR MY ? PLEASE SLF Try ZJam: IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION..TYPE ONE ? THEN WAIT Try ZJam: UNTILL SFLR CALLS ON YOU!!!! Nerdboy201: no DCTalkn: ? GE578: Is Michael married--if not will he wait for me--I'm almost 14!! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Talkn go Unamuno22: 1 CHIEFIEQ: WHAT BAND IS ALYANA FROM? RagerMike: ****((((DCTALK HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!!I"M A BETTER PERSON NOW!!!!PLEASE TELL MIKE THAT!!!! Litone13: QUESTION: WHERE DOES MIKE GET HIS AWSOME CLOTHES AT?????? KamikazeT7: IS Kevis ENGAGED??? IF so CONGRADS!!!! DocHollow: ? Trace1627: SFL tell Mike that DCTalk's Music really speaks to me and i love them DCTalkn: HES 30 GE RagerMike: ****((((DCTALK HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!!I"M A BETTER PERSON NOW!!!!PLEASE TELL MIKE THAT!!!! Nerdboy201: / Nerdboy201: ? BigDCTfan: ? Amogden: Kevin, are you really engaged? GVKK: 1 Kione172: Kevin is engaged to Alayna as of Nov 15th 1996 HILAROS: are you guys putting out a album soon SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): GE, Michael says you're sweet, thanks SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): another lifetime... EYEMAN FL: See you guys in West Palm! KamikazeT7: ATTN DC TALK: CONGRADULATIONS ON THE RECORD LABEL!!!! Amogden: oh, congrats. Kione172: next album: early '98 DCTalkn: ? DCTalkn: ? LJT54: MIKE IS TALKING THROUGH SFL DCTalkn: ? DCTalkn: ? TundraVipr: ? PORTER1530: Are they comin to Michigan anytime? HILAROS: oh okay Nerdboy201: ? RFlores615: SFLR: HOW OLD IS MIKE?? Nerdboy201: ? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Talkn question TSiren: When are the new tour dates going to be announced? Amogden: 27 HILAROS: just curious BigDCTfan: ? DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: ASK HIM WHAT HIS FAVORET MOVIE IS? BigDCTfan: ? Try ZJam: IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION..TYPE ONE ? THEN WAIT Try ZJam: UNTILL SFLRDANMY CALLS ON YOU!!!! Newsboys1: SLFR: ASk him if he read the report on how they changed my life?????? BigDCTfan: ? BigDCTfan: ? JMOBEOX6: have you sighned on to do a secular album User43123: SFLR: Mike Do you have any kids? JRicks8441: PORTER: what town do you live in??? Litone13: SFL TELL MIKE HE'S ADORABLE AND I LOVE HIS VOICE AND CLOTHES( WHERE DID HE GET THEM?) BigDCTfan: ? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): 97, favorite movie is a River Runs Through it Litone13: AND HIS HAIR TOO HILAROS: are you coming to oklahoma any time soon DcTalk 97: COOL Try ZJam: Welcome DCTALK MIke Tait from DC Talk is talking Try ZJam: through SFLRDANMY. He is swamped with Kione172: They have gone mainstream, but are still singing "Christian" music Try ZJam: be PATIENT!!! RagerMike: ><{{}}> ><{{}}> ><{{}}> SIGHN OF THE FISH!!! RFlores615: I LOVE THAT MOVIE RitComm: SFL what is that movie about? LJT54: OKAY,I'VE GOTTA GO NOW. TELL DCT THEY'RE AWESOME, AND KEEP SINGING FOR JESUS!!! DCTalkn: dOES MIKE REMEMBER 2 GIRLS THAT GOT PICS AT A TENT IN VA AT YOUTHFEST ? TundraVipr: ><{{}}> TundraVipr: cool Amogden: DC Talk is a really cool group KamikazeT7: MIKE: I started the mosh pit at LIBERTY UNIVERSITY!!!!!! April 5/1996 BASKIE: TELL KEVIN THAT I LOVED IT WHEN HE SANG W/PASSAFIST CHIEFIEQ: WHATS K-MAXS WORST MOVIE HES SEEN?? LJT54: SFLR -TELL THEM KEEP SINGING FOR JESUS DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: ASK HIM IF THEY NEED ANOTHER BASS PLAYER, I WOULD LOVE TO PLAY WITH THEM? Kione172: Independence Day Kamakaze15: I was at the concert at Liberty DocHollow: id4 DRumler: THEY GOT SUGAR BEAR!!!!! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Newsboys1, Mike says they get lots of very moving mail, and a lot of it has been encouraging, and helped on their quest Avaman33: WHO IS A JESUS FREAK HERE? GE578: Can DC Talk join Newsboys for a "jam" in Grand Junction, CO, this summer? Avaman33: ME! User43123: SFLR: Mike do you have any kids? HILAROS: I am JRicks8441: ME!!! Whizskier: I AM!! TSiren: I am DocHollow: where did sugar bear get his name? ( trivia) Try ZJam: IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION..TYPE ONE ? THEN WAIT Try ZJam: UNTILL SFLRDANMY CALLS ON YOU!!!! Litone13: I'D LOVE TO SING WITH THEM BUT THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN Newsboys1: SLFR: Thanks! Kione172: noboddy in dcT has ANY kids RFlores615: FINALLY Kamakaze15: Not me BigDCTfan: Toby does SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): User, Mike laughed, he has no kids, and isn't married :) Kamakaze15: The other Kamikaze TSiren: Will VA Beach stay on the concert tour lineup? TundraVipr: ARE THEY COMING TO THE CHARLOTTE AREA SOON? JMOBEOX6: I really like Kevins poem in the back of the Jesus Freak booklet that comes with the CD DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: ASK HIM IF THEY NEED ANOTHER BASS PLAYER, I WOULD LOVE TO PLAY FREAK WITH THEM? CHIEFIEQ: HOW MANY BROS DOES K-MAX HAVE?? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Toby is newly married, no kids Mjnickel94: SFLR: Tell Mike they help us on our quest and keep us on the right path!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Newsboys1: Anyone meet DCT besides me? PORTER1530: JRicks Where are you from? RFlores615: SFLR:HOW OLD IS MIKE???? DocHollow: i did HILAROS: no TSiren: Kevin has published a book of poetry called at the foot of heaven --great work DRumler: THEIR NOT GONNA GET RID OF SUGAR BEAR MAN!!!!hehehehhe RagerMike: ><{{}}> ><{{}}> ><{{}}> DcTalk 97: I HAVE MET THEM DocHollow: got it SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Michael says he loves kids and can't wait to get married and have some Kione172: Toby has NO kids TundraVipr: ><{{}}> HILAROS: oh really DCTALK1597: FOOT OF HEAVEN ROCKS Litone13: I LOVE TO TRAVEL AND SING SO I'M WILLING TO JOIN THE GROUP IF ASKED *hint Mike* RFlores615: I like to meet them!! JRicks8441: PORTER: what kind of music do yo listen to (besides DCTalk)??? Kione172: florida Amogden: So when is Kevin getting married? Newsboys1: SLFR: When he shops, does he get paper or plastic bags? Sir cabby: Kione- you seem to be the only one i trust... could you do me a favor? RFlores615: SFLR: How old is Mike?? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Lut, you can take my place, when I retire :) Kione172: 86 HILAROS: do you have a favorite Bible verse RagerMike: ><{{}}> ><{{}}> ><{{}}> Kione172: Mike is 29 RagerMike: 86 LLNash7777: Question: My husband would like to know when your next album is coming out? He is a big fan RagerMike: 86 RagerMike: 86 RagerMike: 86 Kione172: Birthday is in mid-May JMOBEOX6: how old is Kevin RitComm: What Mikes favorite biible verse? F14NJ: Is "At the Foot of Heaven" out of print? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): LLNash, next album is in early 98 Litone13: OK I'LL DO THAT DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: ASK MIKE IF THEY WOULD LIKE ANOTHER BASS PLAYER? LOL I WILL PLAY? RagerMike: 86 ><{{}}> ><{{}}> ><{{}}> 86 SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): JM Kevin is 29 DRumler: PROVERBS 10:30!!!!!! Mjnickel94: SFLR: When is Mike's birthday? HILAROS: no RFlores615: I'm 21; is that too young??? HEIRIA 51: Kevin's 29. Nerdboy201: ><{{}}>+86+ HEIRIA 51: I'm 17, that's not too. young. RFlores615: for Mike!! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Sugar Bear is doing fine on bass, but thanks for the offer BASKIE: TRY ZJAM, COULD U ASK THEM WHY THEY R NOT GOING TO BE AT CREATION THIS YEAR Newsboys1: SLFR: When he shops, does he get paper or plastic bags? DcTalk 97: LOL DRumler: SUGAR BEAR ROCKS!!!! GVKK: @-------- :) isend you my best wishes! DcTalk 97: SUGER BEAR IS AUSOME RagerMike: ><{{}}> ><{{}}> ><{{}}>><{{}}> ><{{}}> ><{{}}>><{{ }}>><{{}}> ><{{}}>><{{} RagerMike: ><{{}}> ><{{}}> ><{{}}> RagerMike: ><{{}}> ><{{}}> ><{{}}>><{{}}> ><{{}}> ><{{}}> ><{{}}> ><{{}}>><{{}}> > DRumler: WHOS THE BEST GUITARIST YOU'VE EVER WORKED WITH MIKE??????????????????????? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Newsboys, both paper and plastic, but he hardly every shops PORTER1530: Jars of Clay , Newsboys SC chapman and just songs that sound good not really groups or people DRumler: I THINK DANN HUFF IS A ROCKER!!!!! Newsboys1: SLFR: Thanks~! RFlores615: SLFR: Who is Mike's fave music band?? JMOBEOX6: I'm Brandi Y Odom and I have been to Israel it is very cool Kev in and Mike need to visit it CHIEFIEQ: IS TOBYS MIDDLE NAME KEVIN MICHAEL?? KamikazeT7: MIKE: YOU'vE GOT MAIL... it's a picture of us!!!! HILAROS: Ilike audio adrenaline SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): DR, best guitarist is Brent Barcus and then there's Mark Townsend Newsboys1: SLFR: Ask him if he wants to come to my Sweet 16 party Sir cabby: thanks! SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Dan Huff is another fav RitComm: Does nayone like Rebecca St, James pres 111 DRumler: OHHHH...DID BRENT PLAY ON J FREAK??????????? Whizskier: DCT should get Jars of Clay to open up for them on their next tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RitComm: 111 JaNiBe: NEWSBOY1 I'M IN!!! HILAROS: 111 Nerdboy201: 111 Kamakaze15: 111 Kione172: Tobias Kevin Michael McKeehan DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: ASK HIM IF THEY WILL TOUR WITH AUDIO ADRENALINE AGAIN? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Newsboys LOL, when and where BigDCTfan: SFLR is fake!!!!! SFLR is fake!!!!!!! Newsboys1: SLFR: Does he prefer Tiwnkies or Ho-Hos? KLTheob: Kevin Where are you. Nerdboy201: does anyone like Audio A. Kamakaze15: SFLR: Tell Mike that I know Micah Wilshire. Do they still keep in touch? HILAROS: Ilike audio a Newsboys1: SLFR: NOt sure yet! There will probably be a live band. In PA PORTER1530: Are they comin to Mich? Timber105: SFLR: Is DC Talk going to follow in the path of Audio A and get a race car? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Toby has no kids, I've known him for 15 yrs! CHIEFIEQ: SFL WILL YOU ANSWER MY Q?? Try ZJam: Michael Tait from DC Talk 3D SFLRDANMY Newsboys1: SLFR: Twinkies or Ho-hos? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Timber, Mike would rather have a new snowboard then a race car DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: ASK HIM IF THEY WILL BE TOURING WITH AUDIO ADRENALINE AGAIN? PORTER1530: I have a friend who wants to send a dema tape, how? Amogden: The concert in Las Vegas was awesome TundraVipr: <<< SFLR - why not just type what Mike would like to say, and the room will listen quietly > SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): 97, maybe in the future KamikazeT7: MIKE... you nearly ran over my Pastor's Wife while you were snowboarding in Colorado!!!! Newsboys1: SFLR: Twinkies or Ho-Hos? Whizskier: How much does it cost to go to Liberty University? Is there a strict dress code? HEIRIA 51: SFLR, will their next album be like Jesus Freak? Kamakaze15: SFLR: When is the next Liberty Concert? JaNiBe: someone want to leave to be nice?? to someone that has not been in at all???? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): Thanks for supporting dc Talk and sticking with us through our DcTalk 97: SFLRDANMY: TELL MIKE THAT DCT AND AUDIO A ARE AN AUSOME TEAM SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): musical changes. Hopefully this album, and the ones to follow can help SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): you guys in your daily quest PORTER1530: Ask Kevin if he remembers Gull Lake camp SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): 2 last things: SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): remember to love your brother/sister as yourself SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): and to love God with all your heart and being, and he'll direct your path Amogden: that's cool RagerMike: AMEN HILAROS: very cool Newsboys1: SLFR: Twinkies or Ho-hos? BASKIE: AMEN GE578: If you can't trust DC TALK who can you trust? SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): peace and love, Tait, signing off Amogden: Thanks SFL Newsboys1: Bye Mike! DCTALK1597: SFLR- I LOVE U SFLRDANMY (for Michael Tait): goodnight