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Full Name: Rick Eugene May
Nickname: none
Born Where and When: Columbus, OH 4/5/68
Instruments Played: Drums, Guitars, Bass
Other bands played for: Walter Eugenes
Family Stats: Wife (Dawn)
Pets: English Springer Spaniel (Duncan)
First Job: Printing Company
Hidden Talent: Reading the Stars :)
If You Could Swap Lives With Someone for One Day, Who Would It Be?: Robin Leach
You've Been Handed the Keys to a Time Machine. Where Are You Going to Go First?: Medieval Times
Thing You Can't Do To Save Your Life: Speak in front of crowds
Most Annoying Habit: Clearing my throat
First Album You Remember Buying: Journey - Escape
Goofiest Thing You Believed as a Child: Always believed someone when they predicted the exact day of Christs return
Worst Trouble You Got In as a Child: Threw a rock through a neighbors window
What is your dream career?: Own a record label
Dream Duet: Prince & Madonna
First Christian Album: Jerusalem
Currently in the CD Player: Matthew Sweet - 100% Fun
Favorite Lyric From a Song: Mad About You - Soul Cages
If a Movie Was Made of Your Life, Who Should Play You?: John Travolta
Number of Speeding Tickets (now be honest): 15
First Car: Chevetter
Most Prized Possession: BMW 2002 '76
Best Gift Ever Received: my wife
Most Memorable Meetings: Oliver North
Worst Movie You've Ever Seen: Cabin Boy
Best Advice You've Ever Been Given: Don't eat any thing bigger than your head
Cartoon Character That Reminds You of You: Dudley Dooright
You've Been Made President of the US for a Day. What Are You Going To Do?: Head
to Cape Canaveral for vacation
Word or Phrase You Most Overuse: Groovy
Write Your Own Epitaph: Here Lies Rick, he died of overexcitement . . .
Question No One Has Ever Asked You Before: Write your own epitaph
Answer: see above
Dream Car: Lamborghini
Pet Peeves: obnoxious people
Collections: pipes
Dream Role in a Movie: Sir Lancelot in Camelot
Vacation Spot: Anywhere warm
Books: Alesis ADAT Manual
Movies: Willow
Albums: Matthew Sweet - 100% Fun
Food: Pizza
TV Show: American Castles on the History Channel
Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Color: Green
City: London
Fast Food Drive-Thru Order: Double Cheese Combo from Wendys
Hobbies: producing records
Toothpaste: Crest Gel
Soap: Irish Spring
Salad Dressing: French
Bible Character: Paul
Pizza: Pepperoni
Shampoo: Pert
Season: Spring
Childhood Toy: A Drum
'70's Sitcom: Welcome Back Kotter
Hangout: studio
Scripture: John 1:3