May 4, 1999 - Fort Wayne, IN.
1999 © Michael Wood

Hey! My name is Michael and I saw the 'Supernatural Experience' on May 4, 1999 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The show was awesome, but what really got the whole auditorium screaming and jumpin' around was the special guest. dc Talk said the Fort Wayne show was the only scheduled show to have a special guest artist. With that said, Kevin Max jumped up behind the keyboards and said "Yes, It is me! I beat Michael W Smith in the 1998 Solo Piano competition of the World." Then he started to play the 'Star Wars' theme which really got everyone going. All of a sudden he stopped and Michael W. Smith popped up from behind the piano!!! The whole building was going crazy to see Michael W Smith there! My youth group couldn't believe it, and neither could 2 guys sitting next to me who had already seen the show 3 other times. Michael played 'Lean on Me' while dc Talk sang with him. That really made the show an extra supernatural experience! It was the best concert I had ever seen.